Instagram Is Restricting The Promotion Of Variable Image Size Carousels


There’s bad news for brands wanting to use Instagram’s new variable image size carousels: full-screen carousels cannot be promoted.


With the release of a new feature last month, Instagram users now have additional options for creating carousel posts in-stream. These new features allow users to upload collections of images of varying sizes. Apart from this, you can also boost your Instagram account instantaneously by using the Buy Instagram Followers in India service.




This was a nice update, but users are now discovering that the post cannot be boosted when an image with a full-screen aspect ratio is included in the updated format.




This example, provided by Ahmed Ghanem, demonstrates how an error message stating that it is impossible to boost a carousel post with a full-screen image appears.


Which might make your updated carousel plans less appealing.


For now, it is the only limitation of the new carousel format, and if you genuinely want to promote your post, it is mostly avoidable. However, it might affect how you use carousels for promotions and how valuable this update is overall.


We’ve contacted Instagram to find out more information about this error message and whether or not all carousels with full-size photos are subject to the restriction.


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